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What is reactive hypoglycemia and why does it occur?

Reactive hypoglycemia is a type of glycemia that tends to happen some two or three hours after a meal. The main symptoms that help to recognize it consist of hunger in the first place, feeling of weakness, tremor, and lightheadedness, although sometimes sleepiness or even anxiety and confusion might be present. Since people might have symptoms that are typical of this type of hypoglycemia very often without really having this health problem, it is not at all easy to set a proper diagnosis of this condition. When a doctor suspects of it, it will be necessary to check the blood levels of sugar when the symptoms appear, as well as whether or not the symptoms are present when these levels are normal. Despite the fact that the symptoms might be really scary sometimes, the truth is that this condition rarely requires medical treatment.

How can it be treated?

Since reactive hypoglycemia is particularly frequent in people who fast, or in those who are hungry for a longer time, this problem can be solved by certain changes in the diet in both of these cases. This means that the person only needs to provide enough energy and other nutrients to the body in order for it to function properly, and the healthiest way is to provide it through food. Even when the person has to fast, the body needs to receive at least the necessary daily dosages of all the nutrients, because this way not only hypoglycemia, but a number of other health problems will be avoided aswell.

What might be helpful is paying more attention to timing of the meal as well, and not only the composition, which means that it might be better to eat more frequently but smaller meals and snacks, than to eat only two times a day. Even though it might seem funny, eating every three hours keeps the metabolism active all the time. The intake of sugary foods might need to be limited, particularly when the person has not eaten anything before. If a person is about to drink alcohol, then it should not be mixed with sugary drinks, and it should not be taken on an empty stomach. Physical activity on regular basis is highly recommended even to people who do not have any health problems, but when it comes to those who suffer from hypoglycemia, it is particularly important to make it a part of a daily routine.

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