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Blood and Blood Donation Process

Humans have different types of bloodrunning through their organism. Moreover, if there seems to be aproblem with your blood or you happen to have lost a lot of it,through transfusion you can compensate for your losses. This processis usually done in hospitals, by a professional staff. Beforehand,however, they need to know your blood type. Namely, you cannotreceive just every type of blood since if you are given a wrong typeyou are not compatible with, there is a high likelihood that you willdie. Therefore, people need to know their blood types and doctorsneed to give them the right blood should the occasion arise.

However, there are extremely rare bloodtypes which make this procedure hard for the hospitals since blooddonors in these situations are found only in 1 in 200 cases. Thereare several very rare types of blood. Some of these will be mentionedbelow, along with some facts about them.

The Rarest Blood Types of All

There are different antigens each bloodtype has. Based on this information, while the blood group is beingtested and deduced, its name and distinction will depend on theseantigens which are usually transferred from your parent into your ownblood since you were born.

First of all, the list of all bloodtypes involves mentioning the AB group, which can receive the bloodof all types but may only donate blood to another individual with ABgroup. Then, there is the A group, which can receive blood only fromA group or 0 group donors but may give their blood to the same groupas they are as well as to the AB group. The same goes for B groupdonors and receivers, with the exception of being able to receiveonly B or 0 blood type.

Finally, those with 0 blood type canreceive only their blood type, but may donate blood to A, B or ABblood group.

The rarest blood types are, therefore,AB Negative, this negative standing for the presence of RhD antigens.These blood runs in only a small percentage of people. Next is the BNegative group which is also quite rare since only 1 person in 70 hasit.

For all these delicate reasons, peopleknow how important these blood types are and distinct them from oneanother, making it possible for you to get a transfusion from theright donor, saving your life in critical situations. Even thoughthere are rare blood types, they can still receive donations fromother blood types such as 0.

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