Blood donation side effects
Blood donation is a process where a healthy person donates blood which is then given to someone who needs it. This is considered to be a noble act because the blood a person donates can literally save someone's life. In almost every country in the world there are blood camps that teach people the importance of blood donation. In most cities, the bigger hospitals have their own processing centers and blood collection. Of course, blood is not instantly given after the donation, it is kept in refrigerated form until there is need for it.
Lots of people have the wrong idea about blood donation. People believe that it was a medium of transfusion of such diseases like hepatitis and AIDS. Because of this, lots of people were afraid to donate blood. However, people should know that it is perfectly safe to donate since there are lots of safety measures implemented. When people come to donate blood, they will have to fill some forms and pass short medical exam so that it can be decided that they are fit to donate blood. When the actual process is commenced, a disposable syringe is always used so there is no chance of contamination.
Even though they are pretty rare and mainly teenage donors experience them, there are some side effects. Most of them are minor but there are some more severe. However, less than 1% of people end up with these more severe side effects.
Local bruising
Fainting injuries
However, there were reports of donors injuring themselves after they have fainted and fallen but these cases are rare and happen to really young donors.
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