A Difficult Choice
Abortion, since the very moment it became an option, was a matter of great controversy. It is the same today. Namely, there are those who are for abortion as an option, placing all the responsibility upon the mother herself, letting her decide whether she will or will not end the life of a fetus in her body, before it gets alive. On the other hand, there are those which are against this act, considering it murderous and inhumane. Therefore, the battle wages on and on, each side having considerable arguments. Usually, religion stands on the pro-life side, while others stand for the pro-choice variant.
Arguments in Defense of Abortion Right
The first thing people often consider when being for abortion as a choice is the woman's right to control her body. The pregnancy takes place within a woman, and, thereby, not a single person outside should have the right to interfere with her decision. If the woman desires to end her pregnancy, not wanting a child, it is her decision. However, another problem makes this decision hard. Basically, there is a thin line between a fetus and a child whose heart is beating. Therefore, killing something that is alive is usually considered bad, while ending a pregnancy in its primary stadium is thought to be more humane since here, the fetus is far from being called a baby, as some claim.
Next, abortion, as a procedure, cannot be stopped completely. There will always be countries where it is legal and women will visit these countries instead of having an abortion in their own ones. Moreover, if abortions were completely banned, underground hospitals would start emerging on the black market, taking great amounts of money for the procedure in much less hygienic conditions.
The notion of life is questionable when it comes to abortion. Life does not start in all stages of fetal development. Therefore, since there is no life, there is nothing to kill during the procedure. Also, there are people whose child had died during the pregnancy, or women who have been raped. In these and many other cases, abortion should be legal and open for choice. Finally, there are cases where the infant is bound to be born with severe disabilities which will make him/her lead a painful and short life, suffering. In these cases, abortion could save both the child before it is born and the parents all the troubles of the process.
Arguments against Abortion
Logically, people believe that every child needs to be granted a chance to live. Their innocent lives should not end because of the incompetence of their parents or anything else. Even though they cannot speak for themselves, they have every right to be born and lead a happy life. Finally, the child is not guilty for the sins of the humanity and should not be sentenced to death.
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