More about dry socket and the symptoms
The problem we will focus on in this text can be very painful. This is a very common problem to experience after the tooth extraction. Dry socket is a problem that is also called alveolar osteitis. The extraction of the tooth creates a blood clot that is supposed to protect the nerves and bones located in the hole, but if for some reason the blood clot is not present, the dry socket problem is created. This can happen if the blood clot dissolves or if it dislodges. This problem is not connected with the pus creation, but the bone will be exposed. The healing will also be affected because the blood clot is needed for the healing process and due to this, this process is prolonged. Unbearable pain may be felt for three or four days after the extraction of the tooth, since in approximately this time, the pain becomes worse.
The most common problems associated with dry socket are fever, jaw pain, swelling of the gums and the adjacent teeth, swelling of the neck lymph nodes, appetite loss, eating problems, bad breath and severe pain.
There have been several studies conducted in order to detect the causes of this problem. This is needed to know if we want to prevent this problem. But the fact is that the exact cause has not been discovered yet. In order to prevent this problem, the doctor's advice has to be obeyed. After the tooth extraction, the dentist will put a gauze in the location of the extracted tooth and this gauze has to be left here for 30 minutes at least, but one whole hour is a better solution. During this period, the so important blood clot will be formed. Hot liquids, exercises, physical stress, tobacco, alcohol, sucking a straw/cigarette, vigorous rinsing, and similar actions should not be performed in the initial 24 hours after the tooth extraction.
The traumatic tooth extraction can lead to the release of the tissue activators by the traumatized bone and this tissue reaches the blood clot and disintegrates it. Hygiene is very important so try to keep the area clean by rinsing the mouth with salt water every night before you go to bed and after eating. You should not use mouth rinses available in the stores. In some cases, stitches that are very easy to remove can be placed. There is a type of stitches that can dissolve on their own after some time. Know that the problem may return if you had dry socket problem before. Follow advice to the letter in order to prevent the problem from appearing again. Wisdom tooth extraction has the highest chances of dry socket problems appearance, so if you are doing this procedure, do everything you can to prevent the problem.
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