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Tooth Extraction and What Happens Immediately after

There are two types of tooth extraction, a simple extraction and a surgical extraction. In the first procedure of tooth extraction the dentist loosens the particular tooth with an special instrument called an elevator. What follows is a removal of the tooth with the assistance of forceps. A surgical extraction is performed if the tooth is broken and in similar cases. This procedure is performed by oral surgeons. The extraction first includes making a small incision in the gum and then the actual tooth removal. In some cases even some bone around the tooth is removed.

Right after a tooth extraction the socket gets filled with blood and platelets accumulate, create a network mash (a blood clot), an important structure for cessation of bleeding. The clot requires a few hours to organize and in some cases it may dislodge and cause tooth extraction recovery pain. After approximately a week osteoblasts (bone cells that participate in bone forming) start laying down the bone and finally close the socket. In the end the socket gets covered with a layer of gums.

Tooth Extraction Recovery

The actual recovery after a tooth extraction depends on several factors. The first factor is the type of extraction. For example, a simple extraction does not cause much bleeding. This is why the recovery in such cases does not take long. On the other hand, recovery after a surgical extraction lasts a bit longer due to an extend of the surgery and manipulation with all the tissues around the extracted tooth.

Furthermore, in case the tooth has been seriously damaged and affected by infection (particularly if the infection has spread to surrounding tissues) the recovery will last longer. The recovery also lasts longer if one develops certain complications after extraction. For instance if one develops infection after a tooth extraction this significantly interferes with the entire length of recovery.

Measures To Speed Up Tooth Extraction Recovery

In order to speed up recovery as well as prevent certain complications one should do the following:

• Use an ice pack after the extraction to help constriction of blood vessels and reduce swelling

• Avoid drinking with a straw after the extraction

• Eat only light and cold food after the extraction

• Take painkillers to alleviate pain and antibiotics to prevent infection

• Gargle gently the oral cavity with warm salty water starting with the second day after the extraction in order to prevent infection

• Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours

• Brush teeth gently (vigorous brushing may dislodge the blood clot)

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