Prevacid and the main facts
As its name suggests, this medication is mostly used when itis necessary to reduce the amounts of acid in the stomach, such as in cases ofgastroesophageal reflux disease, stomach ulcers, or erosive esophagitis. Itsuse is considered safe even in cases of children who are older than 12 months andwho suffer from erosive esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease. There are two forms of this medication; the one that can beobtained without a prescription from the doctor, and another that requiresmedical prescription. However, the first form should not be used on longerterms in cases of those who suffer from heartburn.
The mechanism of action of this medication is notcomplicated because it simply prevents the production of acid, thus allowingthe damage to the esophagus, stomach or intestines to heal, and eliminating certainsymptoms. The dosage depends on the condition that is to be treated, other conditionsthat might be present as well, other medications that are used, and the age of thepatient. However, in order for Prevacid to function properly and effectively, it isnecessary to take it at the same time of the day because its levels in the bodyand blood need to be maintained.
Side effects that can occur when taking Prevacid
First of all, it is important to know that side effectsgenerally do not happen frequently and they can be avoided if the doctor isinformed about the presence of other conditions, including even allergies, andabout every other medication, supplement, vitamin or even herbal remedy that isbeing taken. This way, certain interactions can be prevented, as well ascomplications that tend to occur if Prevacid is taken when the patient has someliver disease or allergy. As for pregnant women, they should consult their doctorif they want to use this medication and they should definitely not use itunless they are permitted to do that. Even though no side effects have been reported by pregnant women whoused Prevacid, it has not been studied in this group of patients, so it mightbe better to avoid it.
Side effects that have been reported most frequently are notserious at all, and they consist of diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and pain inthe abdomen, but the fact that less than 4% of people who used this medicationexperienced it speaks enough about their frequency. On the other side, thoseproblems that are definitely more serious but even less common include stroke,hypertension, migraines, heart attack, angina, as well as depression, insomnia,loss of hair, erectile dysfunction and loss of weight.
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