Zantac can be prescribed for the treatment andprevention of duodenal and gastric ulcers, gastroesophaegal reflux disease,erosive esophagitis and various pathological hypersecretory conditions. It canalso be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription for the treatment andprevention of heartburn, sour stomach and acid indigestion. It is normally takenbefore consuming foods and beverages that are usually the cause of heartburn.
Zantac blocks a certain type of histamine receptors.Histamine is a substance which causes the production of acid in the stomach amongseveral other effects, and by blocking it, Zantac decreases the amount of acidproduction in the stomach, hence the nickname “acid reducer”.
Zantac can heal duodenal ulcers in the upper intestinaltract over the course of four weeks and it is very beneficial in preventingulcers from returning within one year once the treatment starts. It canalso heal gastric ulcers in the stomach over the course of six weeks.Various studies show that Zantac also prevents gastric ulcers fromreturning after the healing process.
Zantac provides people who suffer from gastroesophagealreflux disease with great relief of their heartburn symptoms. Zantacefficiently brings relief to common heartburn symptoms within just one dayafter the start of the treatment.
Any medication can have side effects but that does notnecessarily mean that they will affect everyone who is taking them. Side effects for Zantacare mostly minor and can be easily treated either at home or at a hospital. Themost common minor side effects of Zantac include diarrhea, constipation, upsetstomach combined with diarrhea, abdominal pain, rash and headaches.
Besidesthese side effects, Zantac may trigger more severe side effects which require immediatemedical attention. These may be depression, confusion, agitation,hallucinations, and various heart oriented problems such as a slower or fasterheart rate or abnormal heart rhythms.
Liver problems or even hepatitis may occur andthey can be recognized by a yellowing of the skin or eyes, pain in the upperright area of the abdomine and slightly darker urine. One may also experienceexcessive swelling of the mouth and throat which may even be fatal. Allergicreactions are also possible and they may include rash, itching, hives, troubledbreathing and swelling. Very rare and uncommon side effects include vertigo,insomnia, muscle and joint pain, risk of pneumonia, blurred vision and evenhair loss. One should always inform the doctor of any occurring side effects inorder to stop further conditions and complications.
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