Prostate is a gland which can also develop cancer, just like any other organ in the body. It plays a more than significant role in the male reproductive system and it is situated below the bladder. Prostate cancer occurs when cancerous cells form in the tissues of this gland. While breast cancer is a leading cause of deaths in women, prostate cancer is a leading cause of deaths in men.
Prostate cancer usually occurs in men above 50 years of age, but the chances of survival are very high if this disease is diagnosed early.

Symptoms of prostate cancer
When a man has problems with urination, such as painful and difficult urination, or when he is unable to urinate, it may be a sign that the prostatic cancer is present. Furthermore, blood in the urine and painful urination are also the symptoms of this disease. The constant pain in the pelvic region, upper thighs and lower back should not be neglected since it can also indicate the prostate cancer.
Pomegranate juice and prostate cancer
Once the prostate cancer is diagnosed, the patient receives a proper treatment according to the age and the progression of the cancer. However, the experts usually suggest their patients to drink a lot of pomegranate juice since it is proven that this juice can significantly slow down the progression of prostatic cancer.
Pomegranate juice has a number of benefits and it is widely used for many medical purposes. It is a healthy drink whose ingredients are very powerful in killing the cancerous cells, which is exactly why it is highly recommended in those with prostate cancer as well.
Since pomegranate juice can slow down the progression of prostate cancer by destroying the cancerous cells or by stopping the cancer cells' growth, thus it prolongs the life of the person who suffers from this condition.
Pomegranate juice should be consumed every day. Once it is in the body, it relives antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic substances, which fight against the cancer cells in the prostate. Furthermore, the healthy cells in the tissues of the prostate gland are protected and cannot be damaged by free radicals and their effects when this juice is regularly consumed.
Apart from treating prostate cancer, pomegranate juice has properties that can successfully treat many other health issues, such as diarrhea. Therefore, it should be included in the everyday diet not only to treat prostate cancer, but also to prevent the occurrence of this condition since it is a life threatening disease.
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