Premenstrual syndrome or simply PMS affects a large number offemale population. Statistic data reveals that around 85% of women experiencesome of the symptoms associated with PMS during the life. These symptoms occur during the luteal phase of the menstrualcycle. Women may expect to notice them between ovulation and the start of thebleeding or as the bleeding starts. Timing of PMS symptoms may be differenteach month or disappear completely after some time, even without any apparent reason.
How intense the symptoms will be usually corresponds withthe reaction of your body to hormonal changes. There are women who don’t haveany symptoms and those who experience slight inconvenience because of PMSproblems. And there are women who can’t function normally because of the troublesPMS causes. This condition can negatively affect the work and all your relationships.Many women feel as if they are seriously ill due to the PMS and their sense ofwell being is extremely compromised. If the woman is exposed to some emotionalor physical stress during this time of the month, symptoms may even be aggravated.
Physical Symptoms of PMS
Women suffering from PMS may complain about many physicalsigns. Some of the most common are swelling of the breasts and their tenderness,retention of water, weight gain and bloating. There are also reports ofacne outbursts, bowel movement problems, decreased sexual desire and changes in sleepingand different forms of pain. Migraines may appear or get worse at this time ofthe month, as well as some painful sensations in muscles and joints or thelower side of the back. Tiredness and lack of energy are also common among PMSsymptoms, as well as some cravings for food. Many women may crave for salty orsweet food before the menstruation.
Certain conditions may get worse before menstruation anddoctors call this menstrual magnification. Migraine headaches are already mentionedto blow out of proportion with PMS, but there are also irritable bowelsyndrome, chronic fatigue, seizures, asthma and endometriosis. Women sufferingfrom various mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, eatingdisorders, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may also notice that theirproblems exponentially get worse because of the PMS.
Cognitive PMS Symptoms
Women in PMS may become more aggressive than usually and feelthe need to withdraw from other people. These may also be followed byhopelessness, unprovoked sadness or depression, anxiety and frequent moodswings. Some women find this period very hard for concentration.
Doctors have identified about 8% of women suffering fromsevere PMS symptoms and this disorder is known as premenstrual dysphoricdisorder or PMDD. Women experiencing this disorder suffer from severe depression,hopelessness, guilt and shame.
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