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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is an inflammatory infection that can affect all parts of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. PID is usually the result of a sexually transmitted disease, and chlamydia is very much "the usual suspect". Like some other reproductive conditions such as an ovarian cyst, there are often no symptoms associated with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. If symptoms are present, what are they most likely to be?

In some women, PID is discovered much later than she was infected with it, because there are no symptoms. In such women, failure to get pregnant after conceiving for a long time, or chronic pelvic pain, usually make them seek treatment in the end. Getting treated for STDs like chlamydia early on means you are at less risk of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. The treatments are often simple, and you can be cured after a course of antibiotics in many cases.

Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease include:

Painful feelings in the pelvic area or the lower abdomen, either a specific part of that region or its entirety. Pain in the lower back, either dull and constant or immediate and severe. Menstrual cycles that are irregular or otherwise abnormal. Painful sex. A fever. Constipation, difficult urination, and nausea or vomiting. Constant fatigue.

Note that not all women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease have all or even any of the symptoms mentioned. The common theme is clear pelvic pain, pain, pain... If you have pain in your lower abdomen, especially coupled with other symptoms that are mentioned, head to the doctor. If you are worried you might have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or an sexually transmitted disease, get tested it will either put your mind at rest or enable you to get the treatment you need.

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