Toothache can be caused in two ways. The pain can be causedby the inside area of the tooth and this is mostly associated with thetoothache when first experienced. Trauma or deep decay causes the infection ofthe tooth and it emits the pain from within. The ligament attached to the boneof the tooth is the second way. The infection will spread if it is located inthe tooth’s inside area. Then the bone becomes infected once the infection getsthrough the apex, and this causes the pain, which is a pain usually experienced after a root canal procedure. Pain will end once the tooth's inside matter hasbeen removed. The soft tissue locatedin the tooth's inside area is removed during the root canal procedure and someof it will be pushed out of the tooth and into the bone.
Pain after the Root Canal
The pain felt after the procedure can be reduced by the dentist in severalways. The toothache can be reduced before the treatment and will eliminate thecontact when the jaw is clenched. This way is very effective in preventing thepain felt. Use of ibuprofen or other anti-inflammation medication is the secondway. They are taken when the appointment starts. This will reduce the pain byreducing the swelling and making the chance of a contact with other teethlower. Pain and swelling will occur when the contact comes, but both of theseways are very good for minimizing the pain felt after the procedure. See a dentist if you are experiencing pain after the procedure and the dentist willprobably make the tooth slammer and help with the pain. The use of antibioticswill also help, especially if the infection has spread to the bone. If coldtemperatures make the pain worse, the cause is different and it comes fromthe tooth’s inside area. This means that living tissue is still present in thetooth or that the dentist hasn't seen an extra canal. See a dentist again inorder to find the source of the problem.
Delayed Root Canal Pain
If the pain appears after some time without the pain, this could mean that theroot canal was unsuccessful and that it needs to be repeated. Also surgery maybe required in order for the tooth to be saved. This does not happen a lot, butin some cases, the tooth will have to come out.
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