The most common side effects of combination contraceptives include tender breasts, nausea, and bleeding in between periods. If you have recently commenced the user of the NuvaRing birth control method, you may notice all or some of these side effects, in addition to some other, less common adverse effects of the vaginal ring. Unusual vaginal bleeding does not necessarily need to cause alarm, and according to the manufacturer, this is a temporary side effect in most cases.
The three side effects mentioned above are usually gone within two or three months of starting the NuvaRing. If your bleeding is very heavy or causes pain in other words, if the bleeding is unusual enough to worry you as the user then you would do well to contact your healthcare provider for advice, at least over the telephone.
Like the pill, NuvaRing also causes artificial menstrual periods at certain intervals. If this bleeding is heavy, extremely painful, or you notice anything unusual in the blood, contacting your doctor is in other. Likewise, if you are using NuvaRing as your contraceptive method and you don't have a menstrual bleeding when you should, you should get in touch with your doctor. This missing period can be the result of different problems with your contraceptive, and it can possibly indicate pregnancy.
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