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Women of today have a wide range of options when it comes to the prevention of the unwanted pregnancy and the methods of contraception which are available, but it does not mean that all of them are equally good solution for all of them. Each woman is different, and each one should consult her gynecologist before deciding on whether she will use hormonal or nonhormonal method. Besides birth control pills, hormone injections and vaginal ring, one of the methods that is becoming more and more popular among women is Implanon.

What is Implanon and how does it work?

Implanon is actually an implant that contains progestin hormone, and it has to be inserted in the area of the upper arm, but underneath the skin. It works by constantly releasing a low dose of progestin, so the level of this hormone is always the same in the body, thus preventing ovulation, and thickening the cervical mucus and changing the lining of the uterus. The reason why so many women opt for it are the facts that it is extremely effective and easy to use, providing contraception for 3 years minimum. It does not contain estrogen and it can be removed at any time while its removal does not interfere with fertility.

Side effects of implanon

Despite the fact that this method of contraception has many advantages in comparison to others, there certainly are some side effects that can be experienced by woman who choose to uses it. This is why it is important to consult the doctor in the first place, especially if a woman has had a baby recently, or if she suffers from certain conditions such as hepatic tumor or breast cancer, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, or even depression. Women who are obese have high blood pressure high level of cholesterol in the blood as well as the ones with the history of stroke, heart attack, or blood clots should inform their doctor about it in advance, since Implanon is not recommended in such cases.

Besides pain in the site of the implantation, some of the possible unwanted effects are acne, nausea, pain in the stomach, weight gain, headache, nervousness, depression, pain in the back, and respiratory problems such as sinusitis, pharyngitis and the infections of the upper respiratory tract. Some women may experience certain genitourinary problems such as irregular menstrual periods or bleedings between the periods and dysmenorrhea. A part of these symptoms is only temporary and should not be a reason for concern, but another part of them may simply suggest that Implanon is not good for a woman and that she should look for another method of contraception.

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