Gout attacks can be treated with numerous different types ofmethods. Some people who suffer from gout prefer to be treated by acupressure,accompanying their regular order of medications. There are also a growingnumber of people who prefer to be treated with a nutritional therapy.Nutritional therapy for gout is a natural type of therapy which treats thecondition by incorporating various types of food into the existing diet of thepatient. These foods are meant to provide the body with numerous preciousnutrients and maintain proper health of the patient. The idea is to ingestfoods on a normal, regular basis in order to obtain all the beneficial nutrients.Before choosing this type of treatment one should always consult a physician ora nutritionist in order to determine the proper dosage of certain foods and todefine whether there are any specific recommendations based on the individualcase of the patient.
Nutritional Therapy
Nutritional therapy for gout is commonly meant to be used asa complimentary type of treatment, along with the already prescribedmedicaments. It may come in very handy when it comes to relieving theinflammatory conditions which are always associated with this medical conditionNutritional therapy is perfectly safe for must gout sufferers and it is alsovery beneficial because it controls the levels of uric acid in the blood andprevents the gout from recurring. The therapy can be considered ineffective ifit provides ingredients which cause allergic reactions, if it combinesincompatible products or if it provides too much or too little of anybeneficial substance. The therapy is commonly taken in the form of differentsorts of supplements, mostly minerals and vitamins.
Folic acid is commonly included in the nutritional therapyand it is actually a synthetic version of a vitamin from the B complex. It isvery efficient in reducing the levels of uric acid in the blood. Pregnant andbreastfeeding women and all those who suffer from liver or kidney relateddiseases should steer clear of folic acid supplements. Vitamin C is another highly beneficialsupplement but when taken in excessive amounts it may trigger certain sideeffects. Bromelain may be of great help when it comes to reducing theinflammatory conditions but once again it needs to be avoided by pregnant andbreastfeeding women and all those who suffer from certain liver or kidney diseases.Quercetin provides the body with potent antioxidant properties but it maytrigger certain side effects in some cases. Other important nutrients includeaspartic acid, fish oil, evening primrose oil, selenium, pantothenic acid,vitamin E and vitamin A.
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