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Vitamins included in B complex contain substances that aredifferent by the chemical structure and functions. Vitamin B1, thiamin, has a rolein the metabolism of carbohydrates, in numerous chemical reactions related tothe function of the muscle system. It is also important for a transmission between nerveand muscle cells. It is commonly found in whey and some vegetables(leguminosis). Recommended dosage is 0.5 mg per 1000 calories for adults. Forpregnant woman, the amount should be a bit higher. Low levels of this vitaminare noticed in people who have problems with alcohol. This deficiency ispresented through the exhaustion and muscle tiredness.


Vitamin B2 is important for the metabolism of energy andproteins. Main sources are milk, dairy products and green vegetables. Loss of vitaminduring food preparation is about 50 percent. Recommended dosage is 0.6 mg per1000 kcal. As with B1, pregnant women need this vitamin in bigger amounts, as well as people who perform some physical activity. Symptoms of deficiency when itcomes to this vitamin are inflammation of tongue, mouth cavity and eyes.


The third element in B complex is niacin, nicotinic acid. It is importantfor the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat, and it is also active in a processof cell breathing. Sources of this vitamin are meat and milk. Dosage allowed is15-19 mg per day. Low level is manifested through 4D – dermatitis, diarrhea,dementia and death. Younger people have more need for this vitamin.


B6 vitamin is a part of the hemoglobin creation process andalso of the protein metabolism. Chicken and pork meat are rich in thisvitamin and also there are cereals. Certain amount of this vitamin is lost withboiling, and this vitamin is sensitive to UV radiation. Daily need is about 1.5– 2 mg per day and that amount is directly proportional to the protein intakethrough food. Deficit of this vitamin is followed by neurological problems.Lack of this vitamin can also be a symptom of anemia.

Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin. Its deficiency leadsto megaloblastic anemia. Due to the problems of intestinal tract, absorption ofintrinsic factor is disrupted and that induces the problem with absorption ofvitamin B12. Daily dosage is 2 micro grams. It has to be known that this deficiencycan happen to vegetarians, so they have to use supplements. Other important elements of B complex are folic acid,biotin, panthothenic acid, choline etc.

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