Babies arevery sensitive, that much we all know. But, what to do with a very small babywhen she (or he) has some medical problem is another matter, and many parentsare confused and worried not to do anything wrong or harm the baby.
Infant ornewborn constipation is one of these situations, when you are not sure what youcan and can’t do. This condition is very common, and almost 50% of all babiesexperience it. The treatment is not difficult and you don’t have to worry ifyou notice the signs of constipation.
Usually,constipation is caused by the milk formula. When the baby is fed with formulamilk, he or she has problems digesting it and thus comes the constipation. Dehydration, changing baby’s diet or switching from breast milk to formula milkcan lead to constipation as well.
What AreConstipation Symptoms in Babies
If yourchild is crying or grunting before passing the stool and the stool is hard anddry, looking more like pellets in the diapers, the baby is constipated. Also, bloatingof the stomach, reduction of the bowel movements and blood streaks in the stoolcan indicate the same condition in your baby. Sometimes, you might see cracksand fissures in the anus, and if you notice that – your child is very likely sufferingfrom constipation.
How to TreatConstipation in Babies
Breast milkis the most natural thing that could relieve constipation in infants. It containsnatural laxative substances and every baby should be fed with breast milk, ifpossible, to avoid constipation.
When the babyis fed with baby formula, it is often recommended to give the child anotherbottle of water, to prevent constipation. Your child can also benefit fromadditional fluids during the day. Give him/her some boiled and then cooledwater or diluted juice to drink, every 3 to 4 hours, to relieve constipation. Sometimes,parents find that increasing the number of meals and decreasing the amount ofgiven food works for their child. If the baby eats more fiber andiron rich food, constipation should be relieved very easily.
Prune juiceis known as excellent remedy for constipated infants, and the same goes for milkof magnesia and flax oil in small quantities.
Pears,plums, apricots, peas and vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are alwaysrecommended for infants suffering from constipation, as well as oatmeal andbarley. While having constipation, avoid giving bananas, dairy products,apples, carrots, pasta and white bread to your child.
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