A nebulizer is a device used to ease some respiratory system disorders. This device can significantly improve breathing of people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary disorders or even cystic fibrosis. These patients may use a nebulizer every time they experience breathing problems and these will soon be resolved. Nebulizers transform medication from liquid into mist form. This is why so some people actually call nebulizers aerosol treatment devices. By using this device, a patient is able to quickly inhale the drug. Since the particles of the drug are perfectly sized, they can easily reach patient’s lungs and be adequately absorbed.How does a Nebulizer Work?
A nebulizer comprises several components, including an oxygen tank, mouthpiece or face mask, nebulizer cup and some measuring device or dropper. Assembly the nebulizer device by connecting its components and press compressor button on. Compressed air passes the oxygen compressor (tank) and gets to the nebulizer cup, evaporating the medication and converting it into mist. Patient uses the mouthpiece or face mask and inhale the drug mist through it.
Patients are usually sitting on a chair or lying in the bed, whatever is more comfortable for them. They should hold the mouthpiece closely between the teeth and lips or adjust the mask to their face, covering the nose and mouth at the same time. Doctors advise taking deep breaths and inhaling drug mist until the nebulizer cup is completely empty.
Proper use of this device is proven to deliver the medication where needed and also in appropriate amount. Nebulizers can treat bronchospasm, shortness of breath and mucus secretion. These devices can also be beneficial for people suffering from mild respiratory problems.Adult Nebulizer Masks
Inhalation of drug mist may be difficult for patients, so adults are usually advised to use nebulizer masks. By using the mask the hands get free and there is no need to grip the nebulizer. The mask stays on during the process and the drug gets where it’s needed.
There are several nebulizers used for treatment of adult respiratory problems including jet, mesh and ultrasonic nebulizers. Jet nebulizers are affordable for everyone and very easy to use. Ultrasonic nebulizers use sonic waves to make aerosol particles of the drug. These devices are faster than ordinary jet nebulizers and can work on batteries. Mesh nebulizers are highly efficient but the most expensive type of nebulizers due to their high speed transformation of liquid drug into aerosol. They can be easily used on travel since they are operated by batteries, although doctors always recommend having a backup device, just in case.
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