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A nebulizer machine is a device used for administering medications for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and similar. These devices are found to be very useful for those patients who cannot use metered dose inhalers, such as infants, elderly people, people who are very sick and weak, and such.

What is a nebulizer machine?

There are two main types of nebulizers - jet or compressor nebulizer and ultrasonic nebulizer. Jet or compressor nebulizer is more commonly used for treatments, and it consists of a compressor, a cup and a mask or a mouthpiece. Tubing connects the cup with the compressor, and the cup contains the liquid medicine. The compressor turns liquid into fine mist that can be inhaled easily through the mouthpiece.

In ultrasonic nebulizer, the compressor is replaced with ultrasonic transducer that converts electric energy into ultrasound waves, which, in turn, convert the liquid medicine into aerosol mist.

There are many different models of both types of nebulizers. The conventional ones, which must be plugged in, are heavy and less convenient, but there are newer, portable ones, that work on batteries and are much easier to carry around and use when necessary.

How to use a nebulizer machine?

In order to use a nebulizer machine, the device, specifically the compressor, must be connected to an electrical outlet through a cord. Before adding the medicine to the cup, according to the dosage recommendations provided by a doctor, it is recommended to wash the hands with soap and running water. Today, however, the medication used in nebulizers comes in vials with pre-measured dosages, so there is less chance of getting too little or too much medicine. The compressor is connected to the cup with tubing and the cup is then connected to the mouthpiece or mask. If using mouthpiece, it should be held between the teeth with mouth closed tightly so the aerosol mist does not escape. The mask, on the other hand, can be secured tightly but comfortably, around the head. The machine is then turned on and the mist is inhaled slowly and deeply, until all the medication in the cup is spent. It is recommended to shake the cup every now and then, so the droplets on the edges of the cup can be inhaled too. After the treatment, the parts of the nebulizer, meaning the compressor, the cup, the tubing and the mask or mouthpiece, should be rinsed in running water. They should be left to air dry and then stored in zip lock bags, in order to prevent infection.

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