Information on Accutane
Accutane and Isotreinoin are the most common names for the synthetictype of drug which is used for the treatment of acne. Most people are not awarethat these types of drugs are nothing more than simply a synthetic pre-formedreplacement for the naturally occurring vitamin A. Most synthetic types of drugsand vitamin replacements often can be associated with the occurrence of certaintypes of side effects. The same can be said for Accutane. It can only bepurchased with a prescription and it is not that safe for use if there is nopresence of medical supervision.
Health Benefits of Vitamin A
Vitamin A is very important for the maintenance of properhealth of the eyes and the skin. It contains an active chemical calledisotretinoin which is commonly contained in Accutane and similar medicaments.The most common naturally occurring forms of vitamin A are alpha-carotene,beta-carotene and other carotene forms. They can be found in numerous differenttypes of food items and that is the best way of ingesting vitamin A. One mayalso opt for vitamin A supplements which can be purchased over the counter inmost well equipped pharmacies. These supplements may be safer than Accutane butthey still may be associated with a slight risk of toxicity. Most vitamin Acapsules provide the user with sufficient amounts of beneficial units and inmost cases one may notice the results very soon. Usually there are no risksinvolved during the first year of usage. Even in the most severe cases of acne,the patient should not ingest more than 15,000 International Units of vitamin Adaily on a regular daily basis. Numerous studies have shown that beta-carotenesupplements are very efficient in preventing the decrease in mentalcapabilities. Vegetables are usually the best sources of vitamin A, and theyalso provide a good and healthy pH balance as well, but there are other sourcesof vitamin A as well.
The best sources of naturally occurring vitamin A, in itsnumerous carotene forms are best enjoyed when ingested in the form of severaldifferent healthy food items. The most commonly used sources of vitamin Ainclude sweet potatoes, cassava, carrots, pumpkins, goji berries, wintersquash, cantaloupe melon, rose hips, mango, ivy gourd, apricots, romainelettuce, spinach, parsley, kale, broccoli, chard, fresh thyme, turnip greens,cilantro, dandelion greens, watercress, beet greens, collard greens and mustardgreens. This is not the complete list of all food items which are rich invitamin A.
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