About Colon Cleansing
There are many different substances claimed to be useful tools for colon cleanse, but most of them are also associated with more or less serious adverse effects. Natural colon cleanse remedies can cleanse the colon, provoking no harm in the body. Also, they could assist you removing the toxins accumulated in the intestines and restore the enzyme and hormonal balance in the body.
When choosing some natural cleanse, people can try mint, Neem, garlic, mint, ginger, papaya or capsicum seeds, as well as many other helpful herbs and plants.
Herbs for Colon Cleanse
Garlic or Allium sativa (in Latin) is herb believed to work efficiently against different types or worms, such as: roundworm (Ascaris), Leishmania and Giardia. You can use raw garlic and eat several garlic cloves, or take garlic pills, if you find the taste and smell too offensive.
Black walnut is believed to be effective in patients suffering from ringworms or athlete’s foot, but it can also be used for colon cleanse.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is the herb mentioned in many traditional medicines as the treatment for parasitic infestations, especially Giardia, Plasmodium and Entamoeba histolytica. Various infections of the mucous membranes of elementary and respiratory tract can also be cured using this particular herb.
Wormwood (Artemesia annua) is one of the herbs frequently used for treatment of intestinal worms and cleanse of the intestines. It is confirmed that this herb can be efficient against Giardia, Ascaris lumbricoides and Plasmodium. The herbs’ sesquiterpene ingredients are most likely responsible for its therapeutic effects.
Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo is the Latin name of the plant) can be your treatment for roundworms and tapeworms.
Grapefruit seed extract has also been used to treat parasitic infestations in humans.
Pineapple contains bromelain. This substance is digestive enzyme, claimed to kill tapeworms and because of that it may be very useful for cleanse of the intestines.
Turmeric is yet another powerful colon cleanse, having antihelmintic (working against worms) properties. One could use raw turmeric rhizome or opt for dried turmeric powder.
There are also some other herbs and plants that might help you in the battle against intestinal invaders. Some of them are squash, carrots and radish. All these plants contain vitamin A, which is proven to increase resistance of the cells against parasitic infestation.
Additionally, there are Ayurveda treatments for colon cleanse. Panchkarma is Ayurveda purification method for natural cleansing of the complete body (and bowels as well).
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