Diabetic Neuropathy
Untreated or poorly managed diabetes might cause the serious health problems.Dehydration, depletion of the proteins in the body, metabolic acidosis and comaare just some of them.
Diabetes also affects the peripheral nerves and blood vessels in your body.The most deteriorated are the eyes, heart, kidneys and limbs. Nerve damage maycause constipation or diarrhea, digestion problems, dizziness, impotence orurinary problems. More than 50% of the diabetic patients suffer from neuropathyof the feet, leading to ulcerations and gangrene. Amputation of the affectedlimb is not a rare procedure.
Neuropathy symptoms are present in 60% of the diabetics. Patients experiencetickling, numbness and pain, located in affected tissue and organs. Thesymptoms usually start at the one foot, and then spread to the hands, and thiscondition is known as “sensory neuropathy”.
First changes are tickling and numbness, which are not constantly present,but may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Patients sufferingfrom diabetes then experience loss of sensation, which make them unable to feelthe heat or pressure. Neuropathy could cause foot ulcers, leading to gangreneand amputation, and that’s why diabetics must take appropriate foot care.
Natural Treatment
It is necessary to diagnose the condition in early stages, because of itsprogressive nature. Naturopaths sometimes measure the sensitivity of your feet,to diagnose the stage of the illness. Perhaps the best natural way to deal withdiabetic neuropathy is cayene pepper.
Cayenne pepper extract (usually called capsaicin) may be used as cream indiabetes neuropathy. In most cases, the cream is rubbed into the affected foot(or feet). The first use of capsaicin is usually connected with irritation andburning sensation, but the skin tends to adapt gradually. It become lesssensitive and the symptoms of the neuropathy get relieved. Capsaicin works bydecreasing the levels of neurotransmitter called substance P (P as Painsubstance). This substance is responsible for the transmission of pain, andwhen there is no substance P, the patient doesn’t feel pain.
This herbal remedy is often used in neuropathy treatments. Diabetics need tobe patient, because it does help with the condition. This remedy is a temporarysolution for diabetic neuropathy. But it has certain long term effects too: itdecreases the body’s answer to pain and that way diabetic patients experienceless pain in affected parts of the body.
Diabetic neuropathy has been treated with synthetic human nerve growthfactor (rhNGF), but without much success.
The best treatment for diabetic neuropathy is actually a strict diet planand regular daily exercise.
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