Colon Cancer-Overview
Colon cancer is a cancer of the large intestine. Usually it starts off as being a small, benign clump called a polyp. However, over time, these polyps may develop into colon cancer. This happens when the cells in one’s colon alter and start growing out of control. It is yet unclear what the most common cause of colon cancer is. Some studies indicate that precancerous growth (the aforementioned polyps) is the single most common cause. In a small percentage of cases, inherited gene mutations brought about this type of cancer. And, although the existence of this gene does not mean that a person will inevitably fall ill, it increases the risk significantly.
Risk Factors
People who have already had polyps or cancer have a higher risk of getting it again. Also, if a person has had other medical conditions that affected their colon (inflammatory intestinal conditions, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), the risk rises considerably. Other risk factors are obesity, low-fiber, high-fat diet, and diabetes, lack of exercise, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Of course, some of these factors can be eliminated by a simple act of will. One should simply try to get more exercise, stop smoking and drink alcohol moderately, if any. Not only will it help decrease the risk of colon cancer, but it will improve a person’s overall health.
If a person experiences the following symptoms, it is important that they consult a physician. Of course, it might not be anything, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Most common symptoms of this type of cancer are cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss that is inexplicable, overall weakness, rectal bleeding. The symptoms may not appear in the early stages of the disease, so, when they do, one should definitely make an appointment with the doctor, so that he can do the necessary tests and begin treatment as soon as possible.
Natural CureThere are numerous Testimonies of people who have found that natural medicine was the one thing that actually helped them. This may be true to an extent, for it has not yet been proven nor a permanent cure for cancer has been discovered. Selenium has been proven to have a number of anticancer properties. Also, vitamins C, D and E are also helpful when dealing with cancer. Calcium, melatonin (which improves the general state of the immune system), folic acid and fish oil are quite effective as supplements. Finally, normal substances that can be found everywhere, and are thought to be of great help, are green and black tea. Although these cures may be successful to some people, a person should always consult a doctor to get all the information needed.
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