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Morning Dizziness Characteristics

As the name itself suggests, morning dizziness involves feeling of lack of balance and being lightheaded upon waking up. This condition usually has to be frequent in order to be taken seriously since a single experience may simply be connected with drinking too much alcohol the night before. Therefore, even though morning dizziness needs not to cause significant concern, it should not be ignored if it repeats several mornings in continuance. Then, it is best for a person to seek medical attention and try to find out which underlying causes may be behind this fit.

Possible Reasons Behind MorningDizziness

Morning dizziness is not much different from other, regular cases of dizziness, like when you spin for a longer period of time and then abruptly stop. Performing this action will influence your balance and movement coordination in a negative way. You will be unable to visualize things correctly, due to the constant feeling of further being exposed to spinning. Additional situation able to trigger this condition are vertigo, a sense of imbalance often due to an ear infection. Alternatively, low blood pressure or usage of certain medications may all be behind your morning dizziness.

Sometimes, when we are anxious, we tend to breathe more than we should. This process in called hyperventilation. Paradoxically, when we breathe too much, our brain is not getting enough oxygen and perceives this as a life-threatening danger, triggering a panic attack, causing dizziness. The same effect may be experienced by getting out of bed rapidly.

The list does not stop there however, since there are several other conditions capable of causing morning dizziness in people. One of these is multiple sclerosis. On the other hand, migraines or even having a stroke, cause this uncomfortable feeling as well.

What To Do?

First and foremost, try to remember if you have experienced this before. If you have, and it has happened recently, make sure you take further steps and seek medical attention. However, if the morning dizziness strikes upon your waking up, you might as well go back to bed. There is a high probability that the troublesome feeling will vanish after additional sleep. Nevertheless, if you are experiencing this condition, and you know that you suffer from an illness of sorts, make sure you do pay your doctor a visit, in order to rule out any possible connections or start a treatment if necessary.

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