Massage the swelling away
When it comes to swellings on one side, and advice and recommendations of the massage experts and therapists on the other, no clear consensus is found on one techniques that provide best results, but opinions seem to vary from one therapist to another. Certain therapists are not in favor of any massage as long as the swelling, or swellings, are present. One of the reasons behind this claim is a well-known fact that massage sometimes tends to block the person's lymphatic vessels. On the other hand, other therapists are strongly in favor of performing a modality of a massage, which is aimed particularly at addressing the lymphatic system related issues and complications, i.e. the lymphatic drainage. In addition, quite a number of both the massage experts and regular people are familiar with certain specific techniques that are actually quite effective in this regard, but they lack sufficient knowledge when it comes to the proper implementation of any such technique.
All things taken into consideration, it must be emphasized that there is one single massage approach that gives highly satisfactory results in diminishing swellings, and ultimately freeing oneself from them in the longer run. This approach is comprised of many more minute sequences in which a masseuse performs a massage, employing those techniques that he/she is already familiar with. And this is that which “removes” the swellings in the first place.
Not suitable for just about everything
One quite important fact to bear in mind is that not every swelling ought to, and can be, treated by a massage. The reason for this is that swellings might appear as a manifestation of a counter indication to a massage therapy. Such indications, in the greatest majority of cases, involve various conditions that can further deteriorate due to an increase in blood circulation induced by a massage – thrombosis, gangrene and even cancer. In addition, if such complications and ailments as acute inflammation are present, this is a clear sign that massage is not a way to go if one seeks an effective treatment.
As far as those “regular” swellings are concerned, it is not even that essential to perform a massage right on the swelling-spot, but this is in most cases done by working up the massage some place else. For a more picturesque explanation, let us take an ankle sprain, for example. In the initial couple of days, it should not be directly tempered with in any way, but the surrounding area can still be massaged, however. This way, the swelling can be reduced significantly. The therapeutic approach in question is known under the name of suction method.
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/lymphoedema/treatment/
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/sports-injuries/treatment/
- Photo courtesy of Grand Velas Puerto Vallarta by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/8209088@N07/1131688076
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