Different dietary magnesium supplements are used by individuals, who, for some reason, suffer from a magnesium deficiency, be it because of illness or perhaps treatment with certain medicines. Even though it is not such a common problem, magnesium deficiency is a serious issue, since it may lead to irregular heartbeat and other mild heart problems, as well as irritability and muscle weakness.
Magnesium is available without a prescription in most cases, although there are some forms of it that require prescriptions, and injectable magnesium is only given by health care professionals.
Most people can acquire enough magnesium just through a fairly healthy and balanced diet, which is also true for most other important nutrients. It is very important that your diet is varied and if there is a deficiency of any nutrient, the doctor will prescribe all the dietary supplements they find necessary, which stresses the importance of regular medical check-ups.
Food rich in magnesium
A lot of magnesium can be found in all green leafy vegetables, all kinds of nuts, beans, peas and cereal grains with their germs or outer layers intact. Hard water (water with higher mineral content) is obviously richer in magnesium than soft water.
Cooking decreases the level of all nutrients in your food, and thus the levels of magnesium, so try to use cooking methods that help preserve all of your food’s nutritious ingredients. It is also important to steer away from fat food, since a high intake of fat makes it harder for your body to absorb not only magnesium, but also other important and healthy ingredients.
Magnesium and dietary supplement
Magnesium as a dietary supplement is available in a variety of forms: powder, capsule, liquid, syrup, tablet or packet, so it can meet the needs of everyone that is deficient in magnesium. If you take the supplements without the doctor’s prescription, make sure to read the instructions and consider the precautions.
It is important to be aware of anything you might be allergic to before taking any dietary supplement, not just magnesium. Even though, a mother should make sure that she takes in the right amount of nutrients during both pregnancy and breast feeding, it is not advisable to take any dietary supplements during either, especially large amounts, since it can harm the well-being of both the mother and the fetus or child. You should also be careful if there is any other medication you are taking while taking magnesium, and should definitely consult your doctor and make sure there aren’t any risks.
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