It is now a well-known fact that a leading cause of the death in the USA, as well as all over the world, is cardiovascular disease. Statistics are not at all encouraging because the number of people who die due to the heart attack or some other heart-related disease is on the rise constantly. This is why it is important to maintain the health of the heart as long as possible, but even if some disease occurs, it is important to take all the necessary steps in order to protect this organ as much as it is possible. And there certainly are ways in which this can be done; all that a person has to do is gather the necessary information from the doctor, Internet, or in any other way. Whichever the source of information chosen, the thing that everyone should bear in mind that no compromises are allowed, because only food that is good for the health should be consumed.
Heart friendly diet facts
Since food that we take in every day affects the health of the heart significantly, one of the most important things is to make sure that our diet is heart friendly, which further means that it should be low in cholesterol and low in saturated fat. In order to achieve this, the following should be done:
Certain foods should be either eliminated or avoided as much as possible, and they include those that are rich in saturated fat, trans fat, and any sugar which is not a natural ingredient of the food that it is a part of. Aside from this, only 100% whole grains should be used, while others should be eliminated. The food items that cannot be eliminated should be limited at least. Fish simply must become a part of the diet, even in those people who do not enjoy its taste. This particularly goes for fish, and salmon and tuna are the best choice, because of the amount of omega-3 fatty acids that they contain. This amino acid is precious for the heart and its health. Besides fish, a number of plants can provide significant amount of these essential fatty acids, which is why it is necessary to include them as well. Flavonoids are antioxidants that provide protection to the heart, and red wine is their rich source. Of course, this does not mean that the person in question should exaggerate with wine consumption, because that would certainly not bring any benefits. Other not that rich sources, but yet worth mentioning, are chocolate, broccoli and tomatoes.
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