What is Liver Failure?
Quite simply, liver failure stands for suffering from any possible condition which can cause certain, larger, parts of your liver to get damaged. Since our liver is our largest organ and is involved in almost all bodily processes, this failure reflects upon our health and overall well being instantly and needs to be remedied before too late, since the outcome may easily be death. Most usually, causes of liver failure are hepatitis C and B, alcohol consumption in the long run, cirrhosis, malnutrition and some other things and illnesses. During a situation of liver failure, one might experience symptoms after several years, while, at the same time, the deterioration may take its toll even after several weeks or months. Therefore, timely reaction is a must, if life of the sufferer is to be preserved.
Manifestations of Liver Failure
Before any of the symptoms are mentioned, note that these all tend to get worse as the illness progresses. Firstly, however, one is likely to suffer from appetite problems, having troubles with fat metabolism as well as with proper digestion and usage of proteins and carbohydrates. Nausea, diarrhea, and tiredness may be present as well. People who are experiencing liver failure often bleed easily and suffer from impaired brain functions too.
More serious symptoms, which are likely to occur after the previously mentioned are jaundice, where there are pigmentation issues within the blood causing one's body to become yellow as well as the eyes of the person suffering.
Next is cholestasis which signifies cessation of the flow of the bile through the diseased one's body. This may result in dark urine and pale bowel discharge, enlarged gallbladder and spleen, visible blood vessels, bone deterioration, itching and abdominal fluids.
Another signs of a well undergoing liver failure is high blood pressure in the portal vein, which is in charge of transferring blood from the intestines to the liver. Since liver, at this point, is not working properly, it produces toxic substances in the blood, which are then delivered to one's brain, triggering a condition known as liver encephalopathy. This results in mental impairment, disorientation, confusion as well as speech and movement difficulties. Finally, the person may lose consciousness and fall into a coma.
In order to keep your liver safe, restrain from excessive alcohol and medications, even herbal ones. Also, be careful about what you eat and make sure you have a healthy diet providing you with all the vital nutrients.
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