Lasik Eye Surgery is one of the most popular procedures when it comes to the correction of vision. This form of surgery serves to give shape to the cornea. LASIK stands for Laser in Situ Keratomileusis, and is a refractive surgery that can assist in the treatment of several vision related disorders, such as near sightedness, far sightedness, and astigmatism. Essentially, the cornea is reshaped with this operation, in order to improve vision.
LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure
Either one or both of the eyes can be treated with this procedure. First of all, anesthetic drops are inserted into the eyes, in order to numb the surface of the eye. The eyelids are then stretched open with the use of an instrument known as the lid speculum. This is done in order to ensure that the eyelids will not interfere with the surgical process. Following this, a thin corneal layer is cut off. This is undertaken using an instrument known as a laser microkeratome. A flap is left attached to the eye, and in order to administer the laser, the flap is lifted.
Corrective measures are then programmed into a computer, which then works on the instructions provided. Proper measurements are programmed by medical experts after examination of the eyes. After the operation, arrangements are made in order to ensure that no harm has been caused to the eyes. Eye shields or an eye patch might be used in order to avoid any complications.
There are some risks associated with the LASIK eye surgery procedure. One of the risks associated with the process is dry eye, something that is very commonly reported. Other patients have been known to report photosensitivity, and thus poor vision. Some other side effects include misalignment of the flap, weakening of the cornea, blood accumulation in conjunctiva, and eye infection.
When it comes to the recovery time for the LASIK eye surgery procedure, this will depend on certain factors. In the immediate aftermath of the operation, immense care is required in order to ensure that no undue complications occur. However, the long term recovery period is said to be around six months. This does not mean that ones vision will be affected for six months, but that proper healing and regular check ups are necessary for up to six months after the operation. In fact, proper vision is attained for more patients within twenty four hours. This does not lessen the need for appropriate care.
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