Peanuts are considered the most common cause of severe foodallergies. They even go so far as to surpass the seafood allergies.
The consequences of having an allergic reaction to peanutsare very extreme indeed, as the cause skin and respiratory problems, as well asproblems in the intestines. These allergies may be so drastic as to put aperson in a life-threatening condition, called the anaphylactic shock. When aperson goes into anaphylactic shock, their tongue and breathing tubes swells andtheir blood pressure lowers, which eventually causes heart failure and possibledeath.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for peanut allergies,neither are there ways to reduce the severity of the reaction one has topeanuts. The only way is to avoid any foods containing peanuts at all costs,which may turn out to be quite difficult as they are included in plenty ofdishes.
Still, if a person allergic to peanuts does accidentallycome across them in a meal, however rapid and fatal the consequences may be,there are ways to help them. Immediate medical intervention is required, andthey should be given an injection of a particular type of adrenaline which willhelp increase the heart rate and stop the swelling. After that, the patientshould be instantly directed to the hospital for further checkup.
The most challenging places for people with peanut allergiesare the airplanes. In a way, peanut bags are considered to be the unofficialtrademarks of airplane traveling. Naturally, there have been many complaints tothe airline companies throughout the years about this issue. And while somehave decided to switch the peanut bags with other products and others are not asaccommodating. Anyhow, their policies change frequently and it is best to checkthis information when booking a flight with a particular airline. Most of themwill be willing to help a person upon request, but a completely peanut-freeflight can never be guaranteed as people can easily bring peanuts with them onthe plane.
That’s why the best thing to do is consult an allergistbefore traveling by plane so that he or she could point out the precautions one musttake in his particular case, whether it is to carry medicines with him orsimply bring enough food for until he reaches his destination.
All in all, one should definitely take reasonable safetymeasures, but on the other hand, these allergies should not control anyone’slife. Once they have covered all the necessary bases, people with peanutallergies are just as free to enjoy their flights, or anything else, as anybody.
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