Hepatitis is highly contagious disease that affects liver. It can be either chronic, or acute, and the acute one is, actually, caused by virus. Fibrosis, the cancer of the liver and cirrhosis are the most common consequences. Each of the types (A, B and C) has different symptoms and causes, and because of that, the different treatment is designed for every one of the types. Since one of the functions of the liver is to remove the toxins from the blood, this disease can be very dangerous and fatal.
Also, there are the two most usual kinds of the hepatitis that is not of the viral origin, but provoked by the consumption of drugs and the accidental intake of some toxic material, or by drinking the excessive amounts of alcohol (which almost always leads to cirrhosis). Much more rare types of the hepatitis are the one caused by accumulated leucocytes in the liver and the one which is characterized by the attack of the immune cells to the liver, called autoimmune hepatitis.
But, when it comes to the viral origin of the hepatitis, the A, B and C are the most common viruses. Luckily, hepatitis A, E and the previously mentioned forms which are not caused by viruses are curable. But, D, C and B stay in the body for the entire life. Nevertheless, the most severe condition is when having hepatitis B. It is easily spread through the blood contact (including the moment of delivering a baby) and through the unprotected sexual intercourse. It is almost always the acute condition.
The hepatitis C is transmitted the same ways as the one previously mentioned, but far more often it is a chronic condition, while the hepatitis A most usually affects children, especially the ones who live in the undeveloped regions. It is acute and can be transmitted very easily for example through the excrement of the affected individual.
The less common types are the hepatitis D (the most often among the drug addicts) and the hepatitis E.
The diagnosis is reached after describing the symptoms to the doctor and taking the blood tests, if the symptoms of the jaundice are also present. Sometimes, the examination of the part of the liver (biopsy) is needed. So the most frequent symptoms of this condition are the urge for vomiting, the somewhat increased temperature of the body, diarrhea, fatigue and the pain of the musculature. In the cases of the advanced stages of the disease, the apparition of the darker urine, jaundice, the faeces of the lighter colour and many other health problems are included.
When it comes to the treatment, as already said, the chances for a full recovery are not so encouraging. Anyway, the hepatitis C is always treated with certain interferon alfa-2b, there’s not yet any cure for the D and E types, and the B type is treated with the diet that should be rich in carbs and proteins and, of course with resting a lot.
So, the smartest thing to do is to avoid things that can cause this disease especially taking care of the hygiene drinking only the tested water and taking a great responsibility over the sexual acts.
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