All the four toes except from thebig toe can be affected by this common condition, called hammered toe. As thename says itself, the toes are bent down and look like a hammer. It is,actually, the deformity of the joints of those toes.
Hammered toes can be caused by avariety of circumstances. Among them the most common cause is wearing theinappropriate shoes, especially when wearing the wrong size and especiallyconcerning the female population. Of course, some different types of traumascan lead to this condition, too. But, the underlying diseases which can causeit shouldn’t be forgotten, neither. Those are some neuromuscular conditions,diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
Of course, during some periodright after the deformity starts to develop, it is possible to put the affectedtoes back in the normal position. One of the probable complications is theformation of a blister and the inflammation of that specified spot, and thatway, the simple deformity turns into a wound.
Anyway, the surgical procedure isperformed most often. And the problem is that, then, some more seriousconsequences, (such as, for example, the re growth of removed bone, thephenomenon called floating toe and a mallet toe deformity) are likely tohappen. Especially the phenomenon of persistent swelling and big chances toreappear after some time, are very present consequences of the procedure inmany cases.
However, the tree most frequentlyperformed procedures are digital arthroplasty, the transfer of the tendon anddigital arthrodesis. The tendon transfer can be combined with the two othermentioned procedures. The arthroplasty and the arthrodesis are actually theactions of removing the bone from the affected joint, so that it could bereturned into the normal position. The only difference is that the arthrodesisis the total, and the arthroplasty is the partial removal of the bone.
But, in the cases of the moreserious damages, the bone must be removed from the beginning of a toe.
Also, as far as the surgery isconcerned, it is good to mention that it is done without the general anesthesia,that one should lie in the hospital for only one day and that the drugs forlowering the pain sensation must be taken after the procedure.
And, finally, in order to preventthis condition of hammered toes, it is recommended to wear the appropriateshoes, and even some devices and protections for the particular part of a footand do the exercises that are recommended by a podiatrist.
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