Inositol is isomer of glucose, normally found in membranesof human cells. Some refer to inositol as the vitamin, but that’s simply nottrue, because this substance is more an important nutrient than the vitamin. Myo-inositol is theactive form of this nutrient, responsible for different processes in the humanbody. This type of inositol it is a precursor for production of phospholipids,and they are included in the regulation of metabolism, growth processes andtransduction of signals between body cells.
Human body produces inositol from glucose, derived from bothanimal and plant sources. Phytic acid, which is primarily found in the plants,gets converted to inositol by the good intestinal bacteria. Fruits andvegetables, such as cantaloupes, bananas, and legumes, but also brown rice,wheat and whole grains contain phytic acid and are great sources of inositol.
Animal sources of inositol can be eggs, beef liver or beefheart, which are proven to contain plenty or inositol precursors.
Why Is Inositol Good For
Inositol supplements will maintain or increase the level ofinositol in your body, helping your neurons to communicate even better withyour central nervous system. Because of that, inositol supplements are used asadditional treatment in depression, anxiety, ADHD (attention deficithyperactivity disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and schizophrenia.
Apart from that, supplemental inositol is proven to behelpful for people suffering from: diabetic neuropathy, premenstrual syndrome,polycystic ovarian syndrome, lithium-provoked psoriasis or different cancers. Somepeople experiencing hair loss may also benefit from inositol supplementation.For patients suffering from high blood cholesterol inositol can decrease therisk of many cardiovascular problems associated with elevated cholesterol, suchas heart attack or stroke.
What Can Go Wrong
Inositol supplements may cause some unwanted effects on yourhealth if you use them in excess. Remember that the initial dose shouldn’t bemore than 500mg of inositol, and you mustn’t increase the dosage until you experiencehow your body reacts to this substance.
Patients using large amounts of inositol supplements complainedabout nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes even dizziness.
Supplemental inositol should not be used by people sufferingfrom kidney or liver problems. Patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder shouldalso stay away from these supplements, since they could aggravatecurrent medical condition.
Don’t use inositol supplements if you are pregnant orbreastfeeding your child. Always consult your doctors prior to this decision.
Inositol is known to interact with certain medications, likeLithium, Lithobid, Equetro, Epitol, Eskalith, Depakene, Depakote, Carbatrol andTegretol. Interactions may vary from mild to serious, and can even become alife threatening condition.
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