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As the name itself suggests, ingrowntoenail is a condition affecting our toenails, usually our big toe,manifesting through our toenail growing into the soft skin tissue ofour finger. This causes pain, discomfort and it may even lead to anonset of an infection, making things worse. There are many thingswhich contribute to this problem and, also there are variousdifferent types of treatment. An important fact is that this problemshould not be neglected, but, rather, taken care of as soon aspossible, preventing any further problems from taking place.

How to Prevent Ingrown Toenails?

While clipping or cutting yourtoenails, make sure not to go overboard, since cutting them too shortmay cause them to grow inside your skin. Also, once you areshortening your toenails do not make curves but cut them straightsince this reduces chances of ingrown toenails significantly.Finally, avoid wearing shoes which are too tight, since, logically,this can lead to this problem as well.

Possible Treatment for Ingrown Toenails

Once the damage has already been done,you have several different choices you want to take intoconsideration, once treatment is concerned. It is very important,nevertheless, to treat your ingrown toenails as soon as you recognizethem appearing. This will prevent infections and will give you theopportunity to treat this problem with minimal pain, discomfort andcomplications.

First of all, you can soak your foot inwarm water 3 or 4 times a day. This will make the skin softer,reducing chances of your toenail getting inside it permanently.However, during the remains of the day, keep your feet dry since youdo not want to trigger any infections. Of course, wearing properfootwear is crucial for the prevention of this problem. If you areexperiencing pain, you might take some over-the-counter painkillersfor relief. Alternatively, you might place a piece of floss below thetoenail, lifting it and directing it towards a painless growth path.Also, you might soak your troublesome foot in a saline solution forabout 20 minutes, placing a piece of a cotton ball in the side ofyour toe, making it possible for your toenail to grow outunobstructed. However, if all this proves to be in vain, seek medicalassistance as soon as possible.

All in all, prevention is the bestcure. Thus, make sure you take good care of your toenails, clippingthem right with the right equipment, never experiencing this problemin your life.

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