Causes and Characteristics of IngrownToenail
Simply, as the name itself suggests, aningrown toenail is a toenail which has grown into the skin, causingpain and discomfort, often getting infected. This situation can bequite troublesome and may cause one many problems beside the pain.Most commonly, the formation of ingrown toenails is triggered bywearing shoes which are smaller than your actual size. Also, cuttingyour toenails too short may easily result in the formation of thiscondition.
Possible Means of Prevention andTreatment
First and foremost, you should wearadequate shoes and avoid cutting your toenails too short. Also, whileyou are at it, make sure that, when you are cutting or clipping yourtoenails, you are not making them round. Rather, cut themstraight.
As for the possible treatment, there is more than one method of achieving this. If your toenail iscausing you pain and troubles due to a bacterial infection affectingit, you might consider immersing your foot into warm salt water.This will kill all the bacteria and remove the pain in time. Also,you might use lemons and lemon juice as an antiseptic of this type aswell. Hydrogen peroxide presents a valuable alternative too. Also,applying tea tree oil onto the troublesome spot may provide relief.
Some other methods involve placingfloss under the toenail in question, lifting it and placing cottonwool below it, making it possible for your toenail to grow in aregular direction once again. Sometimes, the best remedies are thesimplest ones. Thereby, you might experience instant relief by simplywashing your feet thoroughly, using an antibacterial soap and warmwater.
If your ingrown toe nail is giving youa hard time and you have to wait until any of the above methodsstarts reducing pain, you are free to take some kind ofover-the-counter painkillers, providing yourself ease.
These are all some of the basicremedies which you might find useful once you experience having aningrown toenail. Bear in mind that the best remedy is actuallyprevention. Thus, make sure you take good care of your toenails,choosing the right footwear and clipping them right. If ingrowntoenails do appear, you might try any of the above mentioned methods.Many of them are bound to work for you. Nevertheless, if you fail tofind a cure for your problem, or the ingrown toenail starts gettingmore and more complicated, seek medical assistance as soon aspossible.
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