Inflammatoryarthritis – some basic facts
When someone discovers they are suffering from the arthritis, that usually means thatthey have to make some serious and long-term amendments to their nutritionhabits. The amended regime typically involves saying goodbye to fast food,foodstuffs that are high in fats, such as red meat, and to some drinks.
Types ofarthritis
Inflammationof the joints or arthritis can be divided into two categories: inflammatory andnon-inflammatory. The former is a variant that is characterized by the failure ofthe immune defense system and hence the joints become inflamed. This happens asa result of a situation where immune system produces substances typicallyused to fight bacteria and viruses, but instead too much of the substance isproduced and it affects the joints. In this situation, joints tend to becomeswollen.
In the caseof arthritis, doctors usually prescribe drugs and diet changes that willprevent further complications with the inflamed tissues. If one seeks todiminish their arthritis, they will most likely need to follow pieces of advicefrom their doctor.
Arthritis anddietary habits
It is truethat medications can play a tremendous role in fighting arthritis. However, therole of nutrition is also huge. There are some pieces of advice concerning theintake of food that people suffering from the medical condition known asarthritis should follow. For instance, foods that increase the intensity ofinflammation should be avoided, of course.
It is goodto know which types of food aggravate inflammation and irritation in thejoints. In this category, we have different kinds of fast food. This is verytricky to do – avoiding this kind of food, since many find it very tasty andattractive, but the patient has to bear in mind the potential hazard to theirhealth and especially their joints.
Also,remember to stay away from foodstuffs rich in fats, such as yolk of the eggs,pasta with lots of cheese, as well as all types of ice cream. In addition tothese, people suffering from arthritis can sometimes be forces to give up ontomato and potato since they can in some instances contribute to aggravatingarthritis. Food with high content of sugar in it is not recommended. Here wemean food such as various sorts of pastry and cake. Remember that caffeine mayvery well aggravate your arthritis. With this in mind, try to abstain from orminimize the intake of chocolate, coffee and tea. Caffeine can make it seem thatthe pain is worse after the ingestion of foodstuffs that contain significantamounts of caffeine.
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