Is Inderal really a good choice for those who want to improve their heart condition?
Inderal is a part of the group of medications that are classified as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, which implies that they can be used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions related to the circulatory and cardiovascular system. The main characteristic of beta blockers is the ability to block the receptors to which the stress hormone attaches, which means that they are very effective in prevention of increased heart rate and blood pressure in the first place. This also results in decrease of the amount of blood and oxygen that the heart needs in order to function properly. Besides these problems, Inderal is known to be helpful when it is necessary to prevent migraines and when the effects and severity of tremors need to be decreased.
How safe is Inderal and what side effects are associated with its use?
Generally, Inderal is tolerated well by the majority of people who use it and it really improves the heart condition, but the fact is that there are those who belong to the risk group, which means that they are more likely to experience side effects of this medication. This applies to people who suffer from congestive heart failure, irregular heart rhythm, and similar heart conditions, those who have asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and problems with functioning of the liver or kidneys. People who suffer from hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, depression and disease of the blood vessel should inform their doctor about the presence of these conditions before they are prescribed with this medication. Inderal is not recommended for women who are pregnant because it is classified as pregnancy category C medication, which means that it is very likely to cause side effects in the woman and probably in her unborn baby. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid the use of this medication even if a woman is trying toconceive.
As for the side effects that are potentially life threatening, among them are symptoms such as pain in the chest, dizziness, fainting, lightheadedness, wheezing, unexplained blisters or rash on the skin, irregular heartbeat and confusion. In order to avoid fatal consequences, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as any of these symptoms occurs. However, even though they are not life threatening, symptoms of depression, insomnia, hallucinations, impotence and problems with memory and loss of hair are also some of the more serious side effects that are associated with this medication.
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