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What is amlodipine and when is it used?

Amlodipine is a one of the medications from the group of calcium channel blockers, which means that it is used in the treatment of people who have problems with heart and with blood vessels. However, the most common conditions in which it has proven to be very helpful include increased blood pressure, particular types of angina, and coronary artery disease, though only in people who do not have congestive heart failure. Besides these, it can be used as an off-label medication for the treatment of cluster headaches, migraines, and Raynaud’s syndrome. When it comes to medications from this group, they all work by relaxing the blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure because the blood flows better and the heart can pump it with lessefforts.

How to use it properly?

In order to avoid certain side effects, it is necessary to take this drug exactly as prescribed. The dosage will depend on the age of the patient and on the condition that is in question, but the medication is usually taken once a day, and it is highly recommended to do that each day at the same time. Speaking of the proper use, this medication should not be used in cases of those who suffer from congestive heart failure or problems with liver, and it should not be combined with certain medications, due to the risk of interactions.

Possible side effects of amlodipine

As it is the case with other medications, this one also may cause various side effects, but it depends on the individual whether or not they will be experienced, and which of them are more likely to be experienced than others. Based on the results of certain clinical trials, the most common bad side of this medication is swelling or water retention, and in numbers, approximately 10 % of those who use amlodipine experience it. A bit less common are tiredness, dizziness, and nausea, and they are likely to occur in 5 % of the cases, or even less, whereas in less than 2 % of the patients, side effects such as pain in the abdomen, and sleepiness are to occur.

However, none of these requires medical attention unless persistent, but the ones which do require it are pain in the chest, signs that indicate lower blood pressure, arrhythmia depression, increased level of sugar in the blood and signs of allergic reaction.

When speaking about the possible side effects, it is also not excluded that tremor, vomiting, the loss of appetite, tinnitus, and insomnia may be experienced while using amlodipine, though such cases are extremely rare.

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