Water - Crucial for the Body
The human body contains 70 % of water, so adequate intake of this fluid is much needed for its normal functioning, especially in summer high temperatures. One can survive several weeks without food, but only a few days without water.
It is necessary to drink water constantly, even before feeling of thirst, because the thirst is a signal that the water intake is insufficient. Water is necessary for all metabolic processes in the body.
About 80 percent of the brain is water. It participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, and thus it is very important for normal brain function. The loss of just two percent of the water leads to reduced concentration and slow thinking. Symptoms of severe dehydration are reflected on the brain in terms of the appearance of confusion and ultimately, coma. Water is also very important for this body organ, because, beside water, body fluids contain various dissolved minerals, such as intracellular ion of potassium, extracellular chloride and sodium ions. Adequate content of these ions maintains normal water content inside and outside of cells. Any disturbance of these minerals leads to cells swelling, which is reflected on brain as edema. Also, excessive intake of water in a short time can lead to water intoxication, which also causes a state of restlessness, vomiting, confusion and coma.
Sufficient quantity of water maintains the vitality, hydration and elasticity of the skin, and slows down its aging.
Blood Vessels
They are flexible and tailored to the amount of fluid that is in them, disseminating and collecting their scope. If less liquid passes through blood vessels, they have to adapt to such a situation and begin to contract or their scope reduces. Reduced amount of fluid in the bloodstream causes a decrease in pressure on its ends - network of capillaries that suppliy the tissues and organs with blood. Cardiovascular system responds to this by increasing the pressure to avoid tissue damage due to lack of blood. This means that less fluid intake leads to high blood pressure.
Bones, Teeth and Joints
Water makes teeth and bones stronger, because it carries a certain amount of fluorine and calcium that are responsible for their strength. It is also an integral part of the synovial fluid, which is important for the mobility of joints.
Insufficient water intake causes reduced blood volume in all organs, including the heart, which disrupts its function. But, in the case of heart diseases, excess fluid in the body can be an obstacle to normal heart functioning.
Digestive System
Water improves digestion and dissolution of food in the cells, but also has a role in cleaning the cells from the waste. Taking water during meals should be kept to a minimum, as it would have dissolved digestive juices and slowed work of intestines. It is not advisable to drink ice water, because it disrupts the digestion, but also causes diarrhea, sore throat and so on.
Kidneys are responsible for the elimination of toxic substances that are previously processed by the liver, but also maintain water balance in the body and constant composition of body fluids and its electrolytic content. If the water intake is reduced, kidneys save the water, urine becomes concentrated and dark yellow and smaller amount of urine is extracted. This situation should not take long, because it disturbs the balance of electrolytes. This leads to dehydration - nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and disorders in transmitting nerve impulses.
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