The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in the human organism. This gland produces two crucial hormones that regulate the functioning of many systems in the human body. These hormones are well known T4 and T3. If the thyroid gland produces too much of its hormones for several reasons, it is called hyperthyroidism. On the other side, if the thyroid gland produces small amounts of its hormones that are not sufficient for the normal functioning of several systems in the body, the condition is called inactive thyroid gland, low thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism. It is estimated that more than 15 million people all over the world suffer from hypothyroidism. Therefore, it must be taken seriously and treated regularly with medication or by changing the diet and lifestyle.
Cause of hypothyroidism
The main cause of low thyroid gland is underproduction of its two hormones, triiodothyronine - T3 and thyroxine - T4. The thyroid gland produces these hormones normally, but because of certain reasons, the production becomes decreased, and eventually, the thyroid gland becomes incapable to manufacture the hormones completely.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs in women equally as in men. The symptoms are typically the same in both sexes, although there are several symptoms of low thyroid gland that appear only in women and are referred to the menstrual cycle. The most common warning signs of inactive thyroid gland in women are heavy and excessive menstruation, as well as endometriosis and premenstrual syndrome.
The signs of hypothyroidism that can appear in both males and females are weight gain, depression, constipation and lack of sexual desire, as well as hair loss and high cholesterol. The hormones of the thyroid gland have the role to regulate the metabolism of the body. When these hormones are low, the metabolism consequently becomes slower and the people suffering from this condition gradually gain weight. Furthermore, because of the slow metabolism, the food is digested improperly and it leads to constipation, bloating, and flatulence. Slow metabolism also leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in arteries.
It is very important to have hormonal balance in the body. When any hormonal imbalance occurs, it manifests through the changes of mood and eventually through depression. The people who have the problems with hypothyroidism may experience severe hair loss and brittle nails, as well as many other symptoms, such as hypotension, low heart rate, cold intolerance, pale and dry skin, fatigue and swollen hands.
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