As frequent…as anallergy
Numerous researchstudies and surveys have revealed that allergic reactions belong to the groupof those most often medical issues that tend to befall people living in the US. When it comes to the concept of allergic reaction, important toknow is that it represents the reaction of one’s immune system, which is inducedby a specific stimulus that comes from one’s most immediate surroundings, i.e.environment that one is a part of. Allergic reaction as such is regarded as a fairlyintensive reaction of the body to the stimulus in question due to the fact thatthe body automatically recognizes it as a potential and quite serious threatthus making every effort to battle it off. Due to these efforts to fight offthe unfavorable stimulus, numerous side effects andsymptoms tend to arise, such as running and/or itching nose,irritated eyes, coughing, wheezing and alike.
Allergy quite common
Regarded as fairlyfrequently occurring type of allergy is asthma, as well. This specific kind ofallergy is chronic in nature and is known to exude direct effect on the person’slungs, as well as air passageways located inside one’s body. A rather feebleand oversensitive nature of the passageways makes them a “perfect” target forallergens and irritations they bring about, as well as for build-ups of fairlythick layers of dangerous mucus. Having those most ill-affecting allergens in mind,known to be at the root of quite a number of asthma attacks, are such as thefollowing – pollen, smoke, humidity and also sudden or prolonged temperaturechanges.
Taking all intoconsideration, when it comes to an asthma attack, it can be noticed that it iscomprised of quite a number of symptoms directly related to respiratory organs.These symptoms include wheezing, coughing, tightness in one’s chest, as well ascomplications, hindrances that affect one’s breathing and also shortness ofbreath.
When it comes to conventionalways, it needs to be emphasized that there exist two distinct kinds of asthmamedications, those known as the fast-acting (employed for the treatmentof symptoms occurring during an attack) and preventing medications (employed onregular basis for the purpose of bringing attacks under control and diminishingtheir occurrence). In addition to theaforementioned methods, one has at disposal numerous alternativetherapeutic techniques as well. Among these, gaining in popularity and usagefrequency is also self-hypnosis, i.e. hypnotherapy. Its primary aim is bringingabout the relaxation response, which is known to be quite helpful in prevention andreduction of the symptoms that occur in the moments of an attack.
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