Staph Infections
Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequent cause of all staph infections of the skin.This is the gram positive bacteria, round in the shape and thus called coccus. S.aureus might cause skin infections on any part of the body, and lead topimples, boils, impetigo or scaled skin.
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infectionsare serious medical problems. These infections are very contagious and any kindof contact with the infected person will contaminate you as well.
Treatment for Staph Infection
The staph infections of the skin are usually treated withantibiotics. MRSA infection may be a severe problem, since this particularstaph infection won’t respond to antibiotics, including penicillin,methicillin, amoxicillin and cephalosporins. S. aureus infections might become alife threat and it is always important to consult the doctor.
Early diagnosis will contribute to the faster andmore efficient treatment of the staph infection. Symptoms of the staphinfection are usually bolis, blisters, skin scales, cellulitis and paronchya. Seekfor medical attention as soon as you find out first symptoms.
The doctor will take a culture of your staph infection,determine a proper diagnose and recommend the medications that should be usedto treat the infection. Antibiotics may be in a form of a tablet, nose drops orsome ointments. Make sure you use the medications exactly as they were prescribed,and use it as long as the doctor recommended them. Do not skip the antibioticpill or miss to apply the antibiotic cream. If you are using antibiotic nosedrops for the staph infection in the nose, keep it clean and use the drops asthey were recommended.
Be extra careful about the wounds on your face, if you happento have a staph infection on the face. Wash the infected spot withantibacterial soap, use a clean towel to dry it and apply the antibiotic cream regularly.Because the staph infection is highly contagious, you should always wash yourhands after the cream application. Avoid touching other parts of the body ifyou haven’t washed your hands, because the staph infection might spreadrapidly. Be especially careful not to touch any open wounds on your body withthose hands.
If you are treating the staph infections of the eye, also bevery careful. Use the medication regularly and always make sure to wash your handsafter the application.
Do not use antibiotics on your own, without the prescriptionfrom your doctor. It may not be efficient to cure your medical problem andmight cause bacterial resistance.
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