Blisters are visible and tendons, muscles, nerves and bones are in a potential danger. In some cases gangrene may occur, and the affected part of the body must be amputated. Feet, nose, ears and hand are most prone to frostbites but generally cold burns can be related to every part of the body. When we try to warm up the affected area, pain will follow and some burning or tingeing sensation. Cold burns will affect anybody spending enough time in the cold, but diabetics, Raynaud phenomenon patients, or takers of beta-blockers are more prone to frostbites.
In some occasions, medical attention is unavailable. What you need to do is to constantly soak the frostbites in warm water and put warm clothes on affected cheeks, nose or ears for 20 to 30 minutes. The water should be kept circulating and in the range of 104-108 degrees F. Hopefully the heat of the water will bring the healing but swelling, extreme pain and color change will happen during the treatment. It is important never to repeat the warming treatment because of the danger of thawed extremities. But if you happen to be in this situation, you should never try to move the thawed locations.
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