The damage to the calf muscle occurs when it is overstretched and this often causes a tear. This is a very common condition, which comes in three levels. Each level will need different treatment. This tear, called strain, can recover without any medical attention, but if you treat it, the problems will disappear more quickly. For the treatment you will have to acquire some anti-inflammatory drugs, thin towel, an ice pack and some compression bandage. Next, you will need to do is to assess the situation and how serious the strain is.
We mentioned the three levels earlier. First level is associated with micro tears, which cause pain and cramping when the muscle is stretched. Two weeks of recovery are needed. Level two brings serious pain and some bruising. Torn fibers are the cause, and they will need at least 5 weeks to recover. In level three, complete muscle is torn and moving the leg causes great pain. If you ever experience this, a medical attention is needed. Recovery will take more than 3 months.
How to treat the strained calf muscle?
We are just giving a general overview of the situation. If you have such problems, you will need a proper and professional diagnose. First part of the treatment is applying ice on the soaring location. Do not put ice directly on the location. Put ice in the towel and wrap it around your leg. This needs to be performed for several days. Never apply ice for more than 20 minutes constantly and no more than 4 times during the day. You can use bandages for the swelling. But be careful not to make it too tight. Some medicines are used in the treatment. You can consume acetaminophen, which will help with the pain. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs is needed. You can take naproxen or ibuprofen. During the first day of the injury, you should not move at all. You need to be relaxed and lying down. The injured foot has to be elevated in order to reduce the swelling. After two or three days, patients may introduce some less strenuous activities. There is an easy way to remember the treatment. Remember RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Some exercises have to be done when pain reduces. Pulling toes down for 10 seconds, and pulling up, which is also needed, has to be repeated from 5 to 10 times per day. Some patients found compression socks to be quite a help. But if you are experiencing serious pain, we advise you to visit a doctor.
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