Body temperature
Body temperature fluctuates depending on various factors, but normal readings for healthy person show around 98.5°F. Normal temperature may rise depending on food we eat, clothing, environment, physical activity etc. However, if the body temperature elevates beyond 100°F, it gets into the realm of fever. Mild fevers are considered to be somewhere among 100°F and 102 °F.
Breaking baby’s fever
Parents should understand that fever occurs as a reaction of body’s immune system to neutralize a bacterial or viral infection. However, most pediatric practitioners agree that managing a temperature in sick child may be advisable in order to make child more comfortable. Here are some proven methods.
Parents should remove excess clothing from baby’s body and make it wear thin clothing and just a single blanket. Baby should be kept in a cold room or under a fan, if possible. However, the room should not be excessively cold; it should be fresh enough to make the baby feel comfortable. Parents should consult the doctor before choosing any of the fever medications. Common medications are not suitable for babies as well as the alcohol bats. Bathe in a mild cold water should bring a relief to baby. If lukewarm bathing is not possible parents may use a wet sponge to bathe a baby.
Home remedies for fever
A lot of proven natural home remedies may bring significant relief to the patient. The essential and easiest home treatment consists of drinking plenty of water. Patients with fever perspire excessively so that they dehydrate and feel more uncomfortable. Herbal teas like ginger root, cayenne, cinnamon and cloves in the form of tea, may also help breaking a fever and bringing a relief to patient. Vitamins, minerals and fresh fruit juices will also invigorate patient’s body.
Lukewarm bathing with added peppermint or ginger oils is one of the best facilitators of the fever. Sleeping with the open doors and windows and letting the cool breeze enter the room, will also make patient feel more comfortable. Wearing less or more clothes may also affect the course of fever by cooling the body down or warming it up.
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