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Healthy Diet

When thinking about the diet, many people start with eliminating or cutting the fat from the menu. Nevertheless, little fat is necessary for the healthy lifestyle. To be fit, our body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fat is the source of energy for the body, and without it you won’t be able to perform any physical activity. In order to lose some weight, one should always decrease the amount of all nutrients and get some exercise.

How Much Fat You Need

Scientist found the formula to calculate the exact amount of fat your body requires. They concluded that up to 30% of all your daily calories can come from fat in your diet. This is the fat limit for healthy adults with the normal body weight. Be aware, however, that obese people or those suffering from high cholesterol should use less fat in their meals. Their doctor should suggest the appropriate amount of fat for their medical conditions. Also, people who want to lose some weight might decrease the fat intake. Nutritionists agree that the healthy limit should be set at 35g of fat per day.

Doctors say that a healthy diet should contain no more than 100g of fat (65 to 100g). For teenagers, the limit for fat is set a bit lower, and they should use between 40 to 75g of fat.

There are charts to find out how many calories you should consume every day. Usually, these charts calculate your daily calories depending on your gender, age and your everyday activities, both mental and physical. For instance, women usually require about 2.000 calories per day. 30% of 2.000 are 600 calories a day. It means that a woman consuming 2.000 calories every day should eat 600 calories of fat. Estimation is that 1g of fat contains about 9 calories. So, these 600 calories are actually about 66g of fat every day.

Where to Find Healthy Fat

Talking about the fat, there are two types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. The first ones, saturated fats are unhealthy. These fats are known to heighten the bad cholesterol (LDL) and should be avoided. When deciding what fats you need in your diet – unsaturated are good for you.
They can be monosaturated, which are usually found in different cold pressed oils, including sesame, olive, sunflower, corn, peanut and almond oil. These fats are also present in the nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and pistachios), peanut butter, roast bacon and roast duck (with the skin).
Polysaturated fats (another type of good fats) are found in the fish, soy, sunflower and flax seeds.

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