Human heart is actually a muscle, responsible for pumping and delivery of the blood and oxygen to every cell in your body. At the same time, circulation of the blood enabled by the heart ensures removal of waste products like carbon dioxide from the cells.
How the heart works?
The heart is about the size of your fist and in one minute it beats some 60 to 80 times (beats per minute or shortened bpm). Circulation is process of where the blood flows to and from your organs, pumped by the heart. Blood rich in oxygen comes to the heart and gets pumped through arteries to all our organs and tissues. After that, the blood returns through the veins to the heart and then to the lungs. Human heart has its own blood supply. These are coronary arteries, which lay on the surface of the heart.
Coronary artery disease and heart attack as the most severe complication that may arise are considered to be the leading cause of death all around the globe in people older than 20 years of age. Statistics revealed that 1 of every 2 healthy men and 1 of every 3 presently completely healthy women older than 40 years will develop these problems sometime in the future.
However, coronary artery disease can be prevented and everyone should know more about prevention methods.
Healthy Lifestyle – Diet, Physical Activity and No Cigarettes
Healthy lifestyle includes healthy and wholesome diet and smoking cessation. Balancing diet is beneficial for all people, not just for patients who want to prevent heart attack or some other diseases or problems. All people should opt for low-fat and high-fiber food. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, avoid saturated and choose unsaturated fats instead. Oily fish, nuts and seeds, vegetable, olive, rapeseed and sunflower oils, as well as avocados are great sources of unsaturated fat in every diet.
Avoid full fat milk and dairy products, meat pies, sausages, fatty cuts of meat, cakes, biscuits and any food with palm or coconut oil, for these are rich in saturated fats and won’t have positive effect on your blood cholesterol, to say the least.
Avoid salty food and limit your daily amount of salt to 6g (0.2oz) or less, which is about one teaspoon of salt per day. Quit smoking and your health will definitively benefit and thus you will decrease the risk of heart diseases and heart attack. Alcohol is also not good for the heart or rest of the body, so limit your consumption to one or two drinks per day.
Regular exercise and healthy body weight should be everyone’s choice for healthy heart. Consult your doctor about your weight and its effect onto your health.
Control Your Diseases
Blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and all other medical conditions you might have could also affect your heart. Because of that, make sure to keep these problems under control and take your medications as they were prescribed to you, in correct doses and in proper time intervals.
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