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About hernia

Hernia is the common medical term for the apparition of the protrusion of an organ, or, in the case of the intestines, the part of the organ, which is visible as the lump from the outside. It is most commonly located in the abdominal region, and there are several types of it (in this case), such as from the incision, of the umbilical cord (frequent in the small children) of the hiatus (called the hiatal hernia), femoral (of the femur or, as also called, of a thigh), and other.

As the disorder itself, the hernia is not so serious health condition, and additionally, at the very first stages of the development it is hardly visible, but it should be treated right away after being noticed, in order to prevent some negative consequences the hernia in the advanced stage of the condition can cause. One of the most common unwanted consequences if the hernia is not treated, could be the disrupted blood flow into it, and it is called the incarceration, meaning that the hernia then becomes irreducible.The best treatment

In the case of the enlarged hernia, that is, of the advanced stage of the condition, it should be treated by the immediate surgical intervention, only in the cases contrary from the example mentioned above (of the hernias that could be brought back into the previous position), the surgical procedure needn’t to be performed. So, in the case of the surgery, it could be done the two most common ways; by the open incision, or by less invasive procedure that includes the help of the visual examination of the inside of the abdomen, done by the laparoscope. The second one mentioned is the procedure which includes only two tiny cuts, and therefore, the process of the recovery after that usually lasts shorter.

Of course, the treatment itself depends of the severity and the stage of the condition, as well on many other factors. So, as far as the treatment that doesn’t involve the surgical intervention is concerned, it is usually recommendable in the cases of the hernias which are capable of being reduced, as already explained above, and in the cases of the not so big ones. Those hernias often cause no discomfort or trouble, and such the condition is appropriate for the examination by the specialist.

Also those types of hernias are not prone to be affected by the lack of blood in them, so that is because they are not so dangerous. Anyway, in these cases, the treatment will be based on the gradual reduction of the hernia, and that effect is usually achieved by wearing the special broad bandage around the abdominal region. But, some latest experiences have shown that those bandages could be harmful, when it comes to scarring.

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