Food Poisoning
If you have eaten contaminated food which contains bacteria or parasites, you will suffer from food poisoning. Food poisoning is acute condition and the symptoms depend on the type of contamination, condition of your digestive system, overall health, and age. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms can be accompanied with pain in the abdomen and cramps in the stomach. In more serious cases of food poisoning you may fell fever and fatigue. The most severe cases include blood in the vomit and stool, persistent vomiting and diarrhea, severe pain and dehydration. These symptoms begin several hours after you consumed the contaminated food. You may suffer from this condition only one day but there are cases when food poisoning can last up to ten days.
The treatment depends on the severity of your condition. The treatment aims at restoring the lost fluid, and to stop diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, you may need to be hospitalized, especially if you are extremely dehydrated. In case of bacterial infection your doctor may prescribe some antibiotics. You should not eat anything until all the symptoms go away.
Herbal Remedies
There are a lot of herbal remedies which can help relieve the symptoms of food poisoning. Ginger tea in quite useful in preventing nausea and vomiting. It can also purify your digestive system and restore the lost fluids. This tea can be also given to a child. A certain Chinese herbal remedy, Curing Pill, will release you from the pain in the stomach and it will stop diarrhea and sickness. This is also recommended for children. You can make a paste with Japanese umeboshi plum which has many benefits for upset stomach. You or your child can eat the paste or you can dissolve in water and drink as tea. Goldenseal tea has antibacterial properties and it will help you get rid of diarrhea. Your child may refuse it because it has bitter taste. After the symptoms are cured you and your child can drink peppermint tea to get your appetite back.
To prevent the food from contamination, you should clean your hands properly. Any kind of raw meat should be placed in the fridge and used within a couple of days. When defrosting food, use cold water or microwave. Never leave any king of food on warm places. You should always wash fruits and vegetables before eating. Before using food check if it has changed the color, texture or smell. You should avoid eating raw meat.
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