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At least once a day, we see a commercial on TV, or we hear one on the radio, selling various dairy products, and telling us how it is good for our health, because it contains bacteria that are good for our health. The “good bacteria”, as we know them, have been discovered in the early 1900's, but, like some other great ideas of our time, their discovery hasn’t been taken seriously, and there wasn’t much talk about the subject until the second half of the last century.

The role of such bacteria is to overcome the damages within our bodies done by “bad bacteria”. The most famous of these “good bacteria” is bifidobacterium lactis, and its properties have been under thorough research in the past decades. The most known effect of good bacteria is that they stimulate our immune systems, making it more resistant to daily challenges, especially with elderly people, or people whose immune system is very slow and weak. B. lactis is known to be resistant to bile salts and digestive acids, and thus traveling to the cullen offers the protection from toxins and inflammation on a daily basis. This bacteria is a very good remedy for food allergies, especially with children. It is also good for preventing constipation, stopping the diarrhea and helpful against cullen inflammation.

Some of the latest researches have shown that it is good for preventing and reversing the damages done to our digestive systems by gliadin, (which is contained in wheat). People, who suffer from diseases like celiac disease, have been known to recover in a very short period of time. Diseases, like celiac disease, are a serious problem, and if left untreated can eventually result with cancers or other problems. Logically, the only thing to do when having celiac disease would be to avoid any food containing gluten for the rest of the life, which of course, is virtually impossible to do. But, fortunately, it has been discovered that bifidobacterium lactis is able to block the toxins contained within wheat, and one can enjoy life with no fear.

Although, bifidobacterium lactis can be found in various supplements, the most usual way of implementing it into our diet is by various dairy products. The most common are various types of yogurt, and in recent times is found in baby foods. Since the number of bifidobacterium lactis in our bodies is rapidly decreasing from the day that we are born, it is very important to keep introducing them into our metabolism on daily basis, for the stimulation of our immune system and further prevention from illnesses.

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